Masters in Arizona Residential Real Estate & Property Management

Chandler Property Management

Thank you for choosing Desert Masters Realty to manage your Chandler rental!
Whether your rental property is in San Tan Valley, Queen Creek, Florence, Apache Junction, Gilbert, Chandler, Mesa, another Phoenix East or West Valley city, we are dedicated to managing it as if it belonged to us.  As we serve your needs, we put ourselves in your (the rental property owner's) shoes.  With 17 years experience, we understand the difference between value over volume and what matters to you most.
  • Fee structures that benefit the owner, not the property management company. - If you are new to owning an investment property, this statement may not mean a whole lot.  However, for those who have worked with property management companies can appreciate this statement.  We structure our fees so that if a tenant does not pay their rent, then we do not get paid.  We are incentivized by making sure that tenants pay.  When the owners get paid, then we get paid. 

  • Fee structures that are competitive and simple - Our fee structures are competitive and simple.  We have a listing fee, property management fee and a small admin fee. We do not charge our owners auxiliary fees.  When comparing our fees to other companies, be aware of the reduced rate, flat fee.  Ask yourself, how many properties would a person have to manage if they offered a reduce rate, flat fee?  The answer is more than they could handle.  In order to compensate for the reduced rate, flat fee, companies charge auxiliary fees.  They may charge a fee for inspecting the property, talking to the tenant, providing you with monthly reports, or possibly marking up repair costs.  

  • Your not just another door - We recognize that not all owners are the same.  What works for one owner may not work for another.  We assign you to a property manager that can customize a service level that meets your needs.  You work with a property manager, not a department.  
  • Receive your rent money timely - Our goal is to ensure that you receive your monthly owners draw around the same time every month.  We understand that you as an owner may depend on those monthly payments to pay your property expenses.  That is why we make every effort to ensure that you receive your payments mid-month.
  • Constant communication - We understand that communication is essential when managing another persons property.  Your investment property is most likely one of your biggest assets and you deserve to always be "in the know".  We take every opportunity to ensure that you are kept in the loop on all aspects of your property without bombarding you with frivolous communications.  
  • Control over your asset - Do you sometimes feel like property managers are making decisions without your consent?   Or maybe you feel that your property manager is not making enough decisions?  After all, that is why you are paying them.  We understand this intricate balance and am able to customize service levels to your needs while making sure that all laws and city or county codes are being followed.  We consider ourselves your business partner and we are "in this together"!
Whether you are currently our client, or thinking about becoming our client, you will never be just another "door" we manage.  With all our years of experience, we understand the most important factors that an owner has regarding their rental property.  And we understand that each owner has specific needs from their property management company.  We have mastered that balance!  If you have a question, please don't hesitate to call or email us !

Getting to know Chandler

Chandler is a featured community where you can access homes currently for sale and good local information. If you have any questions regarding Chandler be sure to contact me or what else is happening in the real estate market.

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